Alan Wildes, Generosity Coach
Father, coach, and servant leader, Alan’s life has been transformed by generosity. Serving churches and schools for the last 23 years, he is an experienced guide helping ministries live out their God–inspired vision. If you’re looking to accelerate generosity to maximize ministry effectiveness, Alan would love to help you get there.
Organizations are in desperate need of new and creative solutions that will empower their local communities. New social needs are arising in every neighborhood, and existing solutions are being outgrown or outdated. While churches and private schools have an innate desire to be missional within their community, they can find themselves on the sidelines. How can organizations participate in what God is already doing in their community? This is the question that Alan helps your church or school answer.

Robert Jackson, Senior Pastor
Peninsula Baptist Church, Mooresville, NC
I’ve worked with Alan in two campaigns and he’s been very faithful in both campaigns. His personality style, his approach to leadership, his approach to connecting with people worked well with us. And I believe if you’ll take time to speak with him, interview him, let some of your key leaders meet with him, you’ll see that he may be a good fit for your church too.

Shane Freeman, Lead Pastor
Southbrook Church, Weddington, NC
As a Lead Pastor I am so thankful for Alan Wildes. When we were faced with some much needed ministry demands and how to fund them, we turned to Alan for help. His pastoral mindset, years of experience, and personal expertise guided us from the beginning to the end of our generosity initiative. He prepared us, walked with us, and made himself available to ensure that our initiative was successful and God-honoring. Our second initiative is already underway and we're once again calling on Alan to be our guide.

Chris Westmoreland, Pastor
Long’s Chapel UMC, Waynesville, NC
I’ve worked with Alan for 4 years now. I found him to be an invaluable resource from the second meeting when he told me we weren’t ready for the campaign I was trying to hire him for; we took another approach and it was definitely the best for our church at that time. From that point on - I never had to wonder if he would have the best interests of the client/church as his priority. He is a coach and that is invaluable for pastors, staff and congregants as well. His perspective on churches and his wisdom born from experience was as helpful in avoiding missteps as it was in guiding us across the finish line. His project management skills kept us focused and on track. His experience steers campaigns and leaders into best practices that save hours and hours of meeting time.
The 2 stewardship efforts he led with us were successful by every metric. But beyond the generosity consulting, he just spoke into my life that made me a better person, pastor and leader.

Mike Saunders, Minister of Admin
University UMC, Chapel Hill, NC
University United Methodist Church and our campaign team has worked with Alan and Generis on our last two annual “Generosity Campaigns” - fall 2019 and fall 2020.
He introduced us to the concept of creating culture and language that focus on generosity and incorporating moments into each service that highlight the “generosity” in the missions, ministries, congregational care and worship services of the church. Alan’s approach to organizing a campaign, developing leaders, and recruiting campaign teams really helped us run a more efficient and effective campaign each of the past two years. The resources and materials that were developed for Be Renewed were most helpful in planning a campaign during the height of the pandemic. Each of the last two campaigns have exceeded our growth expectations and contributions have been up over the past 24 months - 2019 and 2020.
We have already signed on to work with him on our 2022 campaign beginning this fall. I believe if you’ll take time to speak with him, interview him, let some of your key leaders meet with him, you’ll see that he may be a good fit for your church too.”

Dean Cline, Executive Director
Discovery Church - Hickory, NC
My church has used Alan and Generis in two capital campaigns. Both campaigns have produced higher giving than pledges and I attribute much of that to Alan’s strategies and his ability to keep our staff and volunteers motivated throughout the process. In the fall of 2021 we will embark on another fund raising campaign and I will be advocating for Alan to lead us again. Alan has become a trusted friend and advisor to me, our pastor, our staff and our leaders.

John Willingham - Senior Pastor
Doylestown Presbyterian Church, Doylestown, PA
I have been blessed to work with Alan on multiple campaigns in two congregations located in different regions of the country. As the Senior Pastor of both, I have consistently witnessed how his skillful counsel and guidance equipped our team at each step along the way. He is a man of deep faith who adapts to the needs of the moment, thus making him the perfect guide again as we plan for and carry-out a post-pandemic generosity initiative this fall.

Rev. Laurie Moeller - Senior Pastor
Northbrook United Methodist Church - Roswell, GA
My experience with Alan includes two different campaigns in 2 very different churches. In both cases, I discovered that Alan offered insight and wisdom that was essential to the success of each campaign. His coaching and instruction create a team spirit with lay people and a genuine sense of excitement about generosity. I highly recommend Alan to your church and fully believe you will want to hire him again!